Find an Authentic Voice to Express Your Gender Identity!
Our speech-language pathologists guide you every step of the way!
Bring Your Voice and Gender into Alignment!
Change can be hard.
It’s hard to change your voice, and even harder on your own. We support our clients with personalized services, tailored to you, your life, and your gender identity. You can rest assured that our approaches are specific to your voice goals. Let’s talk about how voice therapy can support your voice goals.
Our certified, licensed, voice specialists can facilitate your voice journey!

Your Voice Journey Roadmap:
Free Consultation
Let’s talk about your voice goals and how voice therapy can help.
We will listen to your situation and explain our processes. We will answer any questions that you may have about gender-affirming voice services.
Voice Evaluation
We assess where your voice is and where you want it to be. Together, we develop personalized voice goals and discuss voice training options.
Everyone’s voice is different and everyone comes to voice therapy with different goals. We take the time to get to know you and your goals.
Speak Confidently
In the training sessions, we help you move towards your ideal voice. A typical lesson involves teaching you techniques to modify aspects of your speech (for example: voice, resonance, pitch, vocal weight, breathiness, melody, inflection, etc.) to fit your gender identity. We aim to increase your confidence and comfort when speaking.
Voice Training for ALL Gender Identities
At Grand Rapids Voice and Swallowing, we understand that gender-affirming care is for everyone. We take pride in helping everyone cultivate an authentic gender expression.

Feminine Voice Training
“I get gendered correctly until I open my mouth” is something that our clients often tell us at their evaluation.
Whether pursued early in the transition or at the end, voice training is often a critical factor in being recognized as a woman. Voice training can help.
Masculine Voice Training
-I “sound gay” or “sound like a child” or “still sound like a girl” are frequent complaints that we hear at evaluation. We understand that not everyone can or even wants to take testosterone, and T-induced voice changes are not always sufficient.
We specialize in cultivating a masculine voice quality with or without HRT.

Non-binary & Gender Fluid Voice Training
We specialize in helping clients cultivate an androgynous quality that falls between male-typical or female-typical qualities, which de-emphasizes gender in the voice.
We also can explore cultivating a combination of male-typical or female-typical elements or a voice that shifts between male-typical or female-typical.
Gender Performance Voice Training
Drag performers, actors, and other artists may need to change their speaking gender for the stage. Our approaches can help you cultivate a healthy, sustainable voice for your role.

We Can’t Wait to Hear from You!
Start your gender voice journey today!
Serving all of the State of Michigan